Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 23 & 24
Dr. Kuruvilla John presented on Air Quality

Dr. John gave a very enlightening presentation regarding some of his research in air quality studies. Dr. John presented numerous examples on how the equipment they have installed in the field has been able to correllate changes in air quality in certain geographical areas with current events.

Kim and I spent time working on documentation relating to our literature review and final paper. We also conferred with Dr. Bruce Hunter to discuss the arcGIS siftware installed on the systems in his lab in the EESAT building. Kim was able to install the arcGIS software on a lab computer after getting administrative permission granted from Jason. She was able too install the arcGIS explorer and we were then able to look at some of the data files and assign different colors to the files. Afterwards, the scale was used to measure distance and then convert the distance into equivalent carbon emissions. It turns out that there is a carbon footprint calculator on the website that will calculate the carbon footprint for you if you entered the mpg of the vehicle used and distance.

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